External Cephalic Version or C-section?

JY just came back from her examination. Her OB told her that because the baby’s head has not dropped, and that her scheduled delivery is about 3 and half week away, we should schedule a regular C-section. Her doctor gave us the choice of either A. performing an External Cephalic Version or B. a C-section. We need to make a decision soon.

The doctor also told JY that we can always cancel the C-section if the baby’s head does drop down into position. The only thing is the C-section will be 5 days earlier than her expected delivery date, so I don’t know if that’s enough time for the baby to work her way down.

JY and I have been doing a lot of research on this topic. The ECV basically involves the doctor trying to move the baby’s head into position by applying external pressure. This will be done on the day of the delivery. The risks are numerous, including the possibility of torn placenta or umbilical cord. If that happens, an immediate C-section will need to be scheduled, which is quite dangerous for both JY and the baby.

As you can understand, both JY and I are quite anxious about the decision. We’ve been praying for the baby to get into position for delivery. We’ll need to pray for the wisdom for the right decision. We’d like to ask you to pray for JY and the baby as well, please pray for the safe and smooth delivery as well as peace of mind for JY and me.

Thank you very much.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. JY and I spent lunch with a group of friends over hotpot, we did the usual gift exchange. We got some nice Hershey’s chocolate gift, and exchange with another couple (thanks Jeff and Iris) for another kind of chocolate that JY liked. I spent Christmas eve in Church watching a wonderful performance by our church choir, while JY stayed home resting.

Since JY’s birthday’s very close to Christmas. I bought her a Christmas-cum-birthday gift. A Dell Inspiron 6000 so that she won’t take up all my computer’s time, more time for me to blog! 😉 Truth be told though, she’s been very gracious, and let me use the desktop whenever I ask.

End of the year is always a good time for reflection, and I’ve done a bit myself. Looking back, 2005 has a been a truly blessed time for JY and me. We got married late 2004, since then we’ve worked out our differences, have a schedule that both of us are comfortable with, enjoyed each other greatly, and now we have our first child scheduled for January 2005. We thank you all for praying for us, and would ask for you to keep us in your prayers.

Merry Christmas everyone!

好戏推荐:Nanny 911

不知道大家是否知道现在电视上有好几个关于抚养孩子的show。我和JY最爱看的是Nanny 911.

Nanny 911每星期一晚九点在Fox播出。Fox也有一个关于这个Show的网站

最后结果大都是Happy Ending.

我想跟大家分享下到现在为止我从Nanny 911之处所学到的一些东西。

孩子问题是最明显Nanny 911的部分。包括:打人,撒娇,耍赖,撒谎,没有责任感,做有危险的事,不尊重父母,过分依赖父母。

我学到的最重要的一点就是很多孩子的问题其实是父母的问题。而且内因的识辨需要有经验作为基础,Nanny 911的Nanny都是有很多经验,所以能很快认清内因。内因包括:


我在大学学过一些儿童心理学。最近又在看一些这方面的书。但是理论与实践需要相结合,Nanny 911提供了一个验证我所学的理论的机会。



Naming my baby part 2 给宝贝起名之二

OK. It’s been awhile since we wrote our first naming the baby post.

Since they, JY and I have done quite some research, trying to find the best way to name our baby. I told JY that I remember reading from somewhere that the name one gives to the baby has a long-lasting impact on the baby’s life.

I finally found out where that information was from, it’s from the excellent book Freakonomics : A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. I will review the book very soon, so look for the review.

In the last section of the book named: Perfect Parenting, Part II; or: Would a Roshanda by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet? the author addressed the topics of how a person’s name affect how people perceive him/her. It was loosely based on profession Roland G. Fryer Jr.’s work on black and white difference on achievement. The research was based on the study of 40+ years of child birth certificate data from California. In it, the author used statistical method to find out all the best and worst (whether popular or not) names for boys and girls.

To shorten it, basically, we came up with a new set of names for you to judge. The difference between this time and last time, was JY and I spent quite some time pouring over the data in the Freakonomics book, and identified a set of desirable names based on the weighing of the attributes. We’re also now including the middle name as well. The second column uses the middle initial, and the third column listed the name without the middle-name.

Please leave your comments in the Comments section.

Lucienne Rachel Wang       Lucienne R Wang   Lucienne Wang
Sophie Clementine Wang     Sophie C Wang     Sophie Wang
Ella Lucienne Wang         Ella L Wang       Ella Wang
Lauren Alexandra Wang      Lauren A Wang     Lauren Wang
Lauren Atara Wang          Lauren A Wang     Lauren Wang
Hannah Clementine Wang     Hannah C Wang     Hannah Wang
Rachel Alexandra Wang      Rachel A Wang     Rachel Wang

Since this post is garnering a lot of attention, here is our baby name research methodology.

  • The initial set of names are from “most popular names in 2015” section of the book mainly.
  • We then looked at the origin of the name, the meaning as well as the “Mother Year of Education” from the book. Here is the resulting matrix:




    Mother Year of Education



    protector of mankind




    A crown




    A bird











    Old English, old German

    Beautiful fairy

    woman, all



    Old German

    Universal, all embracing




    grace of God 




    laurel leaves, honour, fame, spirit







    Greek, Latin

    Goddess, a purple flower




    little lamb, an ewe, one with purity 






  • We then put the first name, middle name, and the last name together, and judged them on the sound of the name, the initials, and the anagrams. We also want the origin and the meanings of the first and middle names to be in harmony
  • Finally, we went through a google search on the final candidates (first and middle names) making sure there is no one with that name that is of notoriety.

What do you guys think?


Randal is the next apprentice

Just as I predicted in an earlier blog entry, Randal is the apprentice.

I don’t think he won by coincidence either. In my mind, he is no doubt the most qualified candidate this year, if not the most qualified ever.

He exhibits many traits that contributed to his victory. First of all, he’s smart, with so many different degrees, he’s actually over-qualified for this job. Secondly, he is a natural leader. He works well with people, lead by example, and trust and respect the people he works with. Thirdly, he is very strong in organizational and communication skills. And finally, he handles emotions well. You all remember that his grandmother passed away at the beginning of the whole process, Randal actually took time-off from the show to attend her funeral service. It would be hard to recover from such tragedy, however, he was able to gather himself and performed the jobs assigned to him extremely well. I honestly don’t know if I could have handled it as well myself if it were to happen to me. People like Randal will do well regardless where they work, and I myself am learning to become such a person.

However, Randal won not just by being himself. People often make the mistake of attributing victories solely to someone’s character. Randal also worked hard, and thus had an outstanding record. I do think he made a mistake of not paying more attention to the weather forecast for the final task. However, we all make mistakes, how to deal with these mistakes is what tells good leaders from others. I think Randal handled the situation well, he made a decision to move it indoors, and committed himself and his team to make the event a success nevertheless.

Now, we come to the other finalist, Rebecca. I didn’t realize she was so young, only 23 years old. She acts in a mature and professional manner, so it’s easy to have thought her of being older. I admire her audacity of persevering through her broken ankle. She’s another example of people distinguising themselves by dealing with and overcoming adversity.

I never imagined that she would go so far. I thought she would be eliminated through the interview process, which didn’t take place this year. She was good at what her does, however, she really just started to shine toward the end, especially when she was teamed up with Randal. So her later success might be the result of her teaming with Randal, but doing regression analysis on the correlation will be impossible because the data is not there. She has a long road ahead of her, and she will be even more successful as she gains more experience.

One thing surprised me was Donald’s decision to fire both Alla and Felicia in one sitting. I thought that was a wrong decision by Donald, giving up Alla, who seems to possess all the right skills and characteristics of someone who works for Donald. However, after her comment on Rebecca on the finale, I wasn’t so sure she’s the right choice for the apprentice. There are people who see the world in binary mode, black or white, good or evil, smart or foolish etc… However, the world is much more complex than what can be described in binary bits. I think what ultimately failed Alla was her simplistic views of people and her abrasiveness, both are counter-productive in a business environment. People are not simple, they have many motivations, diverse background, values, and principles. It’s also difficult to pin the failure of any particular task to a single person (well, unless that person is Marcus, but I digress). It’s also tempting to focus entirely on someone’s negative side, even in the boardroom. I think her hammering of Felicia was perceived negatively in that boardroom, and ultimately resulted in her ousting. She’s also quite abrasive, meaning she lacks the finesse to influence without offending. It’s someone hard to do, and this is what distinguish Randal from her, he can lead without being perceived as forcing things on people.

This season is definitely better than last (third) season, on par with season 1, and maybe not as good as season 2, although I’m biased because I got hooked on season 2. This season there was no colorful characters like Omarosa or Sam. The rewards were not as nice, and the tasks were not as diverse (mostly product promotion).

I heard the Apprentice is coming to LA this year, hopefully it will remain as energetic and entertaining.

Job well done Randal, congratulations.

Purpose Driven Life article by Mallcom Gladwell

As you may already know from my previous posting that I studied The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren in my bible-study group. It was a great book, has lots of practical advice for practicing Christians.

As you may also know, I’m a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell. He was the author of The Tipping Point and Blink, two of my favorite books.

Now I just found out that Malcolm Gladwell wrote a New Yorker article about Rick Warren and his church. You can find the article on Malcolm Gladwell’s site, it’s called The Cellular Church

This articles digs deep into three main areas:

  1. Rick Warren the person and pastor
  2. The Purpose Driven Life
  3. The Saddleback Church – the cellular church

From what Gladwell has written, I gathered Rick Warren is a fascinating pastor. He leads one of the largest churches in the US, likes to give hugs, dress casually for his sermons, learned a great deal from Peter Drucker, follows and improves upon Charles Spurgeon, and sometimes borders on audacity.

The extraordinary success of the Purpose Driven Life is not coincidental. It’s Rick’s conviction, his ingenious way of marketing it to the other churches through his prior-established relationships, and the way the book is designed to be studies in small groups. It’s both surprising and inevitable that the books has sold 23 million copies. The new story of how Ashlee Smith was able to convince Nicols – a convict to let her go after sharing the Purpose Driven Life with him was also mentioned in the article.

The Saddleback church today has twenty thousand members and occupies a campus of 120 acres. That is a huge church, compared to my church, which has around 300 people with couple of acres of land. The amazing size and growth of the church was the main focus of the article. The idea of having small tightly-knit cells as an unit has been done elsewhere. Rick Warren actually made it work better through his unique blend of pragmatism and understanding of management principles. He actually rented the Anaheim Agnel’s baseball stadium to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Saddleback church.

There are a lot more information in the article, mainly from academics trying to put what Rick Warren has accomplished into perspective. There are some sections that in my mind are not dubious intention, such as section 5, I did not see the relevance of Christian Smith’s study to Warren’s success.

Anyway, this article definitely makes an informative reading, especially for someone who has studied The Purpose-Driven Life, or someone who wants to know how to grow their cell group or church.

Please share your opinion under the Comments section.








Hayward分店地址:600 West Harder Road, Hayward, CA 94544.电话:510-264-5888。




我觉得他们的地点的选择不是很好。其实它离880很近。下了880上92(Jackson) 往东走第一个红绿灯右转上Santa Clara,第二个红绿灯右转上W Harder Road.餐馆在路左边约一百米处。它的停车场不大,好在旁边地方宽阔,可在路边随便停。可惜它附近没有其他中国店,加上离Cal State East Bay有些距离,建立一个稳定的顾客群可能不容易。

我们去baby shower之前在那里随便买了三个菜(一共才15元):虾仁炒蛋,上海小炒皇,毛豆雪菜百叶,带到朋友家。 非常受欢迎,尤其是毛豆雪菜百叶,我刚吃了几口,还想再去拿一些,已经被大家分光了。 毛豆雪菜是上海人的家常菜,他们做的雪菜有点接近上海的风味:很鲜,不觉得酸。虾仁炒蛋我也没多吃,因为也是很早就被分掉了。 上海小炒皇是类似炒面类的,如果在平时,我见到那样的菜都会反感,感觉是迎合老美口味的那种chao mein, 可是我一尝,发现和那些chao mein完全两回事,就像小时候爸爸妈妈常常带我去吃的“正宗”的上海炒面,而且里面还荤素有致。


总体评分: 8/10

Cheap auto insurance for CA resident

You probably remember that I had couple of accidents last year.

The first one was right before my wedding, in October, I was making a left turn on an one-lane street just as a big SUV behind me decided to over-take me from the left. I ended up with a big repair bill. The driver actually lied when she told her insurance company what happened, and because this was a secluded road and the police refused to come (because if no one is injured in an accident, the Hayward CHP will not show up), the arbitration process couldn’t determine fault. I’m still steaming from it. The second accident happened right after Christmas in 2004, on my way home from work one day, someone rear-ended my car. This time, the Castro Valley CHP came, and it was determined on the spot that the other driver was at fault, and the responsible party’s insurer paid my repair bill.

Anyway, my current auto insurance company, Kemper Direct, got acquired by another company, and they bumped up my rate more than 35%. I was also totally disappointed in the way they handled my accidents and claims, I felt that they didn’t care much for their customers, and the whole claim/arbitration process dragged on and on, it was time to look somewhere else. In the meantime, my wife’s insurer, Liberty Mutual, just increased her premium as well.

I was forced to look around for another auto insurance company for both of our cars.

After weeks of searching, I finally found an auto-insurer online that met my needs exactly.

The company is called Wawanesa Insurance, it mainly focuses on good drivers in California and Oregon. It’s been writing auto insurances in California since 1975, they also have an A+ rating with AM Best. There was also a lot of good things people said about the company, you can read these reviews on Epinion.

I heard about it from someone on Fatwallet, and did some research, and asked for a quote. When I got my application in my mail, I was stunned, their quote is 40% less than what I’m paying for right now. Someone from Wawanesa then called me to clarify some issues with my two accidents, and I got them resolved. I then mentioned that my wife has her own car, and wanted to know if they can add my wife to my policy as well as the car under her name.

The lady on the phone told me yes, and get this, the quote for both cars, with both my wife and me covered, the total is 20% less than what I’m paying my car right now. We saved over 60% on auto-insurance by going with Wawanesa. I strongly suggest you check them out. BTW, they have no referral program, so I’m just telling sharing this with you so you can enjoy the same savings.

Here are the pros and cons from the view of a new Wawanesa customer.
1. Cheap
2. Good reputation
3. Being selective thus can maintain low premium.

1. In the US, only available in California, Nevada and Oregon.
2. Paper-based application although the online quoting process does pre-fill some fields in the paper application.
3. CSR has no email access, everyone will be by phone.

To me, the pros far out-weighs the cons.

Hopefully you can save some money with Wawanesa as well.