Lauren’s ten weeks old

Lauren is exactly ten weeks old.

JY Lauren to see her pediatrician last week. As usual, she brought with her a list of questions. We do have a few pressing questions for the doctor, and were given satisfactory answers.

The good news is that Lauren’s developing very well. She’s almost 12 lbs, and is now in the 75% percentile rather than the 50% she was in a month ago. Her height is also now in the 75% percentile.

We were also told that she has thrush in her mouth, we were wondering what those pink pasty stuff was on her tongue. She was given an oral suspension to treat the thrush.

All in all, a good checkup.

JY has returned to work, it’s really hard for her to achieve work life balance with a new baby. Thankfully, my mother-in-law is helping us with the baby. However, her visa is only for 6 months, we’ll need to find another baby-care option once she’s gone.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Couple of recent photos of Lauren.

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What’s more import to one’s success – soft skills or hard skills?

Coming from a software development background, I used to think hard technical skills are everything. I even looked at people without the technical skills with pity, and wonder how anyone can possible do any meaningful work without a deep understanding of all the intricacies of technology.

Fast forward 4 years, my career has taken quite a few turns, now I’m an Enterprise Architecture for a large retailer chain. It’s becoming more and more clear that having technical skills is nice but is not enough.

The problem with moving from programming to other fields is that now I’m dealing mostly with people. It’s not that when I was a programmer I didn’t have the deal with people, but most of the time a programmer spent was in front of a computer thinking up algorithms. I enjoyed it tremendously, and found the work quite satisfying.

However, with programming becoming a commodity with the influx of foreign talents and offshore-outsourcing, development looks less and less like a viable option.

I’m glad I made the decision into going into application, solutions then enterprise architecture. It’s been a long road where I learned a lot of things. But only recently, in the past year have I seriously focused developing my soft-skills.

By soft-skills, I meant non-technical skills. These are mostly skills dealing with people and non-technical situations such as leadership, decision making (rational and intuitive), negotiation, influence, emotional intelligence, public-speaking, communication, and time management. There are also character traits that one can learn to develop such as persistence, optimism, conviction, self-confidence, etc…

I now understand one can not succeed without the soft-skills. Because success comes much easier when you surround yourself with the right people and choose to deal with the right people.

On the surface, soft-skills do not seem so important, what if you are an extremely shy but steller programmer, you’ll still be fine doing what you do. However, if you ever want to move to another job that requires dealing with people on a daily basis (as simple as team leads or architect), having the right soft-skills are absolute crucial.

There are two attributes to people skills that make them more valuable to technical skills.

  1. They are transferable. Soft-skills can be used wherever you work, and are applicable to life in general.
  2. They don’t become obsolete as quickly as the technical skills.

People may argue those two points, and I can just imagine someone saying “yeah, you are saying that only because you are doing architect work now”. But sooner or later, they will realize the value of soft-skills unless as well.

I’m doing saying technical skills are not important, on the contrary, they are very important, and my work depend a lot on it as well. What I’m suggesting is that you spent time developing your soft-skills as well. As I’m developing them, I keep finding new and exciting things to learn.

I hope you will become more success when you master the soft-skills that can make your better at what you do.

More on the specifics of the soft-skills later.

Our top three concerns for Lauren

Lauren’s now eight weeks old. She’s grown quite a bit, now much heavier than before. By our estimate, she’s about 11.5 pounds. She’s going to see her Pediatrician tomorrow, and hopefully things will turn out well.

She’s been mostly an easy baby and not so fussy. She has a few persistent problems that we are still trying to deal with.

  1. She’s gassy a lot of the times. She sucks in milk with vigor most of the time, and as the result, a lot of air go down with the milk as well. Thus we had to interrupt her feeding and burp her quite often. Sometime, the burping can take an hour or longer for the air bubble to come up. We started using Mylicon drops couple of weeks ago, which sped up the burping process, but still her burping routine still takes considerable effort.
  2. She sometime spits up milk. In the past two weeks, Lauren spitted up 2 oz of milk three times. Twice was because she was fed more than 5 oz of milk without burping, and the other time was because of her overeating. However, it was still a concern for us. JY will ask our pediatrician tomorrow if we should check Lauren for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
  3. Her nose fills with snots at least once a day, and because she doesn’t like to breath through her mouth, she’s fussy and cries until the snots are removed. The snot-removal process is not pleasant, she clearly demonstrate that by using her little fist to push away the bulb syringe. I’m usually the one who does the honor, and yes, I’m an expert at this stuff by now =)

Despite all her problems, Lauren has developed well. She sleeps well, is spending more time playing, is becoming more responsive, and she smiles at the most unexpected times.

Hopefully we’ll have good news after Lauren sees her doctor tomorrow. Please continue to pray for Lauren and our family.




我们到的时候吓了一跳,好多朋友已经到了, 一共有5个孩子(包括妞妞),两个孕妇和十五六个大人,这个哭,那个闹,简直是鸡飞狗跳。我们因为要给妞妞喂奶,所以去得有点晚,觉得有些不好意思。好在大家都能理解。



吃完晚饭后,开始拆Jonathan生日礼物。凯波送给他一个超大的玩具,我和JY都在想,我们家这么小,如果凯波也送个我们的妞妞这么大个玩具我们该怎么办。我们送给Jonathan一双New Balance的鞋,六号大。刘健跟我提过他又给Jonathan买鞋,所以JY和我决定给他买双我们喜欢牌子的。



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