Lauren’s daily menu

Lauren is now almost 7-month old.

We are in the process of weaning her, and here is her daily diet.

Milk (expressed or frozen from before) – 15 oz
Formula – 15 oz
Gerber Applesauce – 0.5 oz
1/4 egg yolk
Porridge – 2 oz
Gerber Rice Cereal – 2 tbsp

She seems to be happy with the diet now, and had no detectable food allergies yet.

She’s had fewer and fewer bowel movement though. Before, she had bowel movement about 3 time a day, now it’s down to once a day, some maybe even once every one and half days. Hope she’s still normal. I bought some prune sauce just in case though.

We’ll introduce more solid food and wean her off milk graduately, and we also want to give her all the frozen milk from before.

Please keep Lauren in your prayers.

Here are couple of her recent photos.
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Lauren’s recovered from her grandma’s absence

The past two weeks have been quite rough.

Lauren’s grandma has to go back to China because her Visa. JY and I were desperately searching for a care option for her that would work out for us.

Thankfully, there are two qualified family-care centers around my house, however, we still would prefer a live-in option. We searched up and down and couldn’t find anyone who’s both qualified and available. Then one week before the end of our search, we found someone who’s had experience and available for the time period, and we were delighted.

JY’s father is also here to help, but because of the problem with his burns, he couldn’t change or feed Lauren. However, he’s been a tremendous help in helping Lauren’s new care taker to meet her daily needs.

It’s now been two weeks since Lauren’s grandma left, and she had some problems adjusting to her absence, and she was crying nightly. Since then, we’ve got her to accept the fact, and that she’s back to her normal self again.

The new caretaker we hired, is quite good, he had experience taking care of his two grandson, and he’s very loving and patient.

Please keep our whole family in your prayers.

Ender & Grace’s new baby

Praise the Lord, Ender and Grace just had a new baby boy. He was born 7 lbs 12 oz, a big boy for sure. Both the mom and the baby were fine.

Please keep them in your prayers.

Lauren’s first crisis part 2

Continued from Part 1.

So we went home at around 10pm on June 17th.

I immediately scheduled a sick-visit with Lauren’s own pediatrician, Dr. NH for Monday.

During the whole day Sunday, we can sense Lauren straining at the time of bowel movement, and her poop still smelled odd.

On Sunday night, I called Oakland Children’s Hospital trying to get some clarification on the re-introduction of milk into Lauren’s diet. Dr. T called me back and left a message saying I can just completely remove Pedialyte from her diet and give her milk only after 24 hours. He also told me that Lauren’s stool culture came back negative for any bacteria that could cause diarrhea. That was a great relief since all of us thought Lauren had some form of bacterial related gastroenteritis.

Jay called me on Sunday night, and I passed him the good news so he can share it with our church friends.

On Monday June 19th, we brought Lauren to Dr. NH’s office for a visit. Dr. NH confirmed the the original diagnosis by Dr. H, saying this could be just diarrhea, and we don’t need to give Lauren any medication, maybe we should introduce Rice Cereal to form up her stool. By now, Lauren looked much better, and is no longer as fussy. However, we can still sense a general discomfort in her, so we left with some doubts in mind.

Come Tuesday, Lauren’s again improving a bit more. However, I then got a call from a Dr. R from Oakland Children’s Hospital. He told me that they just found a very rare form of bacteria in Lauren’s stool culture. The name of the bacteria is Aeromonas, which is common in fresh water fish. I asked Dr. R why it took so long to identify the bacteria, and was told it is uncommon and takes awhile to get to critical mass.

Now Lauren has been drinking a mix of JY’s milk and formula only, does not even have any solid food. So we suspected contamination during our sterilization process inside the kitchen where we do often cook fresh water fish. The doctor called also gave Lauren an antibiotic – Cephalexin to combat this bacteria, and we were told to give it to her for seven days.

I immediately called Dr. NH, and was told to start giving it to her.

The Cephalexin comes in a pink bottle, with crimson red and cherry flavoring. However, it must be administered cold using a dropper, directly from the fridge, which Lauren didn’t enjoy that much. She learned to push out the liquid with her tongue, and was very successful at wasting a lot of it. Thankfully, we got a lot extra, and was able to get the required amount down.

On Wednesday though, Lauren started to pass large amount of stool again, and again we saw some streaks of blood in her stool. Again, I called Dr. NH again, and was told to continue her milk/formula, and the antibiotics.

We can see some improvement in her though, she’s no longer straining as much and giggled a lot more. Her poop also smelled much better, almost to the point of having no smell at all.

Now fast forward to June 29th, it’s the first day after we stopped the Cephalexin. Lauren suddenly had three stools within 45 minutes again. Although this time it didn’t smell and there is no blood in them. I called Dr. NH, and I think he’s finally fed up with me calling him almost daily. He signed a stool culture slip, and asked me to pick up and get it to a lab on Friday.

I actually took June 30th off, in the early afternoon, I got the slip from Dr. NH’s office, and brought a freshly soiled diaper to the lab. At the lab, the attendant actually gave me a pair of latex gloves and a spoon, and instructed me to scrape the poop off the diaper into a small plastic container. As you can imagine, I was not used to doing this kind of tasks, so it took awhile to scrape the poop off, and I accidentally poured some of the liquid inside the container down the toilet. I asked the attendant, and was told it’s not a problem, the liquid is only there to indicate the level.

I’m going to call on Monday to check on the result.

Please pray for us that the result come back negative for any bacteria, and that there won’t be a part 3 to this story.


Lauren’s first crisis part 1

The frequent readers of my blog may have noticed that lately my entries seem shorter than usual.

The reason behind these short entries that I and JY has been trying to recover from Lauren’s first crisis.

Let me explain.

We decided the week before June 17th that we’d like to bring Lauren to our friends Omar and Jackie’s apartment building so that we can use the swimming pool to get Lauren her first close contact with water. My mother-in-law was a competitive swimmer who competed at national level when she was young, and JY was also trained early on to become a competitive swimmer.

We were supposed to go over to Omar’s apartment at around 4:30pm so that we can start at around 5pm. However, when I called Omar, he told me he was still on the way back home, and asked me to get there at around 7pm instead. We agreed, that that means we have another hour to kill.

Just then though, Lauren started to pass lots of stool. She had three stools within an hour, and the first one almost made her diaper burst. The third stool though was the most worrisome, it had streaks of blood in it. All three stools smelt foul with a distinct acidic tinge.

Being a Saturday afternoon, Lauren’s regular doctor is off, I called their office’s weekend number, and got hold of a registered nurse. The nurse told me she’d get me a doctor on the phone ASAP. However, I didn’t want to wait much longer, so JY, my mother-in-law and I took Lauren to Oakland Children’s Hospital. We took all the soiled diapers with us so that a doctor can run some tests on them. A doctor from the same medical group got hold of me while I was on my way, and told me we should bring her to the Oakland Children’s Hospital, so I thought “good, we are already doing the right thing”.

We got to the hospital at around 6pm. It took us 30 minutes to go through the triage nurse and the registration. We waited another 40 minutes once we were called into the examination rooms. An intern, let’s call him Dr. T came in, asked a bunch of questions, and examined the soiled diapers we brought in. Lauren actually soiled her diaper again while in the hospital, and clear streaks blood could be seen mixed inside the mucus inside the stool.

Dr. T made the preliminary diagnosis of anal fissure, tried to show me the fissure site, but I couldn’t see it with my untrained eyes. We were a bit perplexed because it didn’t explain the sudden increase in the frequency of stools and the foul smell. We insisted that we get a second opinion.

We wait another 90 minutes for the supervising doctor, let’s call her Dr. H. Dr. H used her special tool to examine Lauren, and told us she couldn’t see a fissure clearly. She gathered the last soiled diaper, and sent it in for blood and stool culture tests. The doctor also told us to put Lauren on Pedialyte exclusively for 24 hours, no milk or formula.

We waited another 30 minutes, then a nurse came and told us the blood test confirmed that there is human blood in the stool, and that a stool culture is being performed on it, and we can leave.

Jeff and Iris’s baby is here now

Hello all.

Just want to let you all know that Victoria Alpha Soon was born on June 24. She was born through C-section, and her birth weight was 7 lbs 2 oz. I will post more information as soon as I get them. I think they are home now. Please contact them before visiting though.

JY and I am very excited for them and we are looking forward to visiting them soon.

Jeff Iris的Baby Shower

我和JY上个星期六给Jeff和Iris在教会举办了他们的Baby Shower。
我和Jay约好先到教会布置。我从几家商店零零总总买了一大堆布置用的东西。Jay提供了总体设计。 我们鼓捣了近一个小时,终于有了个样子。有件糗事,BabyShower的主人公Jeff和Iris在我们来了不久也到了,还是Iris帮烧的白饭。我还忘了带相机,只能打电话给Ender求助。Ender答应了,所以下面的照片都是他拍的。
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Lauren’s getting big and her first fever

So I brought Lauren to her pediatrician on Thursday.

She’s now 15 lbs 12 oz, in 75 percentile. Her head circumference and length are in the 50 percentile.

She also got her second set of shots: Hib, DTaP, and PCV. This time we got the good nurse, she was real quick with the shots, and Lauren only cries for couple of seconds during the whole process.

After she got home, she fell asleep and slept for quite awhile. When she woke up at around 4pm though, I noticed she had a slight fever. The fever got worse after dinner. I measured her temperature (under-arm), and it was about 99.5 F. According to our medical books, it’s slightly higher than the normal range. I got a bit worried, and called her doctor’s office. A nurse called back about an hour later, asking a bunch of questions. She assured me it’s normal reaction to the shots, and told me to give her Infant Tylenol if she becomes too fussy. I didn’t give her the Tylenol because she was able to sleep through the night.

I called the doctor’s office again today, and got hold of another doctor in the office. The doctor basically told me the same thing: make sure no rash develops, no swelling around the injection sites, and bring her in if her temperature got above 102F.

Lauren spent today in peace and quiet, she was given one dose of Tylenol today, and has not had a favor since 10am.

I still need to learn how to use the rectal thermometer which seems like a daunting task but offers more accurate temperature measurement.

Please pray for us, for Lauren to get better, and for her to continue her healthy growth.

Have a good long weekend.

Lauren update 05/15/2006

It’s been a hectic month.

I went to Microsoft National Architect Forum on April 18th, came back two days later with a cold.

I then spent a week trying to recover from the cold. In the meantime, my father-in-law went back to China and we had a hard time adjusting to his absence.

In the meantime, my group at work re-organized while I was gone, there were quite a few changes.

Lauren’s nasal congestion got worse over the days, and I spent quite some time everyday trying to clear her nose. She still spit up milk and then she started crying during the evenings.

I went to the Food Marketing Institute Show 2006 in Chicago, and just came back on May 9th.

We brought Lauren’s to the post-office to get her own passport on Friday.

Hopefully, I’m done with business traveling the whole year, and I can spend more time with Lauren and my family.

Lauren’s doing alright. I brought her to her pediatrician on Wednesday. Our Ped answered all my questions, and could not find anything wrong with Lauren. We were both glad but also not so sure about the advice given because they sounded remarkably like the ones given before. We’ll just have to run with it.

To summarize, Lauren’s doing well, she’s gaining weight, and now spend quite a few hours of the day giggling and interacting with people.

We are looking for recommendation for good nannies in the San Francisco Bay Area, especially in the East Bay. If you know any good ones, please email me.

Lauren’s second outing

The weather was surprisingly warm on Saturday. We originally planned to have lunch to celebrate my father-in-law’s birthday, and since the weather was so nice, decided to check out Japanese Garden after lunch.

Lunch was excellent, Ray’s Sushi in Hayward is very dependable in their quality. Lauren cooperated by falling asleep the moment we entered the door.

After a nice lunch, we set out for Japanese Garden which was only around 2 miles away.

Again, it was quite sunny and warm, much different than the raining days during the week. After we got to Japanese Garden, we found there were a large wedding party taking photos in front of us, so we have to move around a bit. The garden was exactly what I remembered, I’ve been here couple of times before, and it sure brought back some memories.

This time the wind is not as strong as last time, and Lauren’s in a better mood. She’s wide awake, and even spent some time watching the koi fishes in the pond.

I took a few nice photos, however, I didn’t have time to charge the battery on the flash when we left, I had to make do with the built-in flash which surprised me with the good job it did.

You can judge by yourself. Here are couple of photos.

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