Lauren eats a lot

Lauren’s almost four weeks old.

I never imagined an infant can eat so much.

Since JY pumps her milk, we were able to track how much Lauren eats each time, and have been tracking her total milk consumption.

Here is a diagram that shows Lauren’s eating pattern:

As you can see, she’s been steadily increasing her milk consumption. For the last few days, she’s been eating a lot, and feeding many times a day. I guess she’s in a growth spurt.

On some of Lauren’s earlier photos, she’s had some pimples on her face, which we were told were just fine. They seemed to clear out gradually over the past few days. It’s still evident in some of the photos on the site. BTW, you can follow the links on the right hand side to see all Lauren’s photos.

We’ve also graduated to the 8 oz Dr. Brown’s bottles since we are feeding Lauren around 4.5 oz every time. It’s a huge bottle compared to the Avent one, don’t know why they need to make them so big, and sterilizing them has been a chore.

I need to seriously think about getting back to work, there are quite a few things I started and not yet able to finish. It’s hard to not to see Lauren during the day, I’ll make sure to have her photos at my desk.

I’ve also been trying to find out a solution to the ant problem we’ve been having, look for details in a future entry on how I’m going to attack it.

Here are couple of recent photos:
PICT0176   PICT0178

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