Lauren in the park

So we finally brought Lauren outside.

It’s about time. We didn’t want to bring her out any earlier because there was really no need and the we’ve been pretty busy on the weekends.

On Saturday, the sun finally broke through, and we decided it was time for her to taste the outdoor life.

It was by no means a smooth ride. First of all, the place of choice, Japanese Garden in Hayward, closes at 4pm. We only found that out when we are ready to move out at 4pm, and I thought to check the park hours. So we switched to Plan B, which is Marina Park, kinda windy but will have to do.

The other hurdle was the Baby Trend Snap N Go stroller we have. It was given to us by my mom’s friend. She also gave us the infant car seat that we are supposed to use with the stroller frame. However, try as I did, I just couldn’t get the seat-belt on the stroller to hold the car seat properly. After consulting the manual, and tinkering with it for a good half hour, I finally found that the frame was actually set to the wrong setting, and I had to make some adjustments. I guess the family who gave us the car seat and stroller used another car seat with it.

So with Lauren fed and wide awake, we embarked on our first trip to the great outdoors as a family.

Marina Park was an absolutely beautiful place, however, because it’s next to the bay, it’s usually quite windy and chilly over there. When we arrived, things were looking up. The sun’s still up, the wind’s not too bad, and there are not too many people around.

We parked the car and put Lauren in the stroller and started strolling around.

Lauren was very interested in the change in scenery, she looked around and had this curious expression on her face, or maybe she was just feeling the wind on her face.

We decided to go to the playground because there is a building next to it to block the wind. There were quite a few kids playing in the area, so we found a bench, and settled down. There we were able to take a few photos. Lauren’s eyes were scanning the playground all the time, taking in all the sight and sound. Ten minutes into the photo taking, she got a bit tired and started to fuss. We knew it was time to go home, so we put her back into the stroller and strolled back to our car.

One unexpected find was a family of Canadian goose claimed the grassy area next to our car as their home turf. They briefly scattered when we arrived, but came back and stood their ground when we got in our car. Of course, by now, Lauren’s sleep so she didn’t see them. I’ll have to tell her when she grows up then.

Please keep our family in your prayers. Oh and don’t forget to adjust to Daytime Savings Time.

Photos from the trip.
PICT0391  PICT0393

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